Friday, 23 March 2012

Social Media-Our Generation's form of Revolution.

As per our previous discussion of the dilemma we as a nation face with our lazy culture and our apathy towards real issues that we encounter in our society, one little story has changed my perspective on what we define as"stand up for what is right and actively be a part of forcing change".

While it is true that the major events of our society; black power movement and labour riots for examples, were colossally effective in causing change as a direct result of persons actively going out there, pounding the pavement, shouting out loud DEMANDING change to be done, in my opinion such actions  are now outdated. These types of actions/reactions to injustice and need for change is directly related to colonial days where the only way slaves were to let their voices be heard and taken in to account was to physically gather and force their way to the top.

Yet as history portrays, it is an evolving world and with it the way things were previously done are now evolved and modified. This does not necessarily make it less effective. 

Let me get to what caused me to change my perception of social change. I'm sure by now we've all heard of the unfortunate and unjustified killing of Trayvon Martin, a 17yr old shot by a George Zimmerman allegedly in self defense, yet he was not charged for anything. *see link to read more*,0,6326075.story

This may have been swept under the carpet if not for the family's call for justice on a website, asking for person's support through liking or sharing the story to others and making them aware of the circumstances being faced. Now, you would say yes all that's well and good and these things happen all the time and it's no big deal. However, as the story progressed and as the time went on, support grew...and grew....and is still growing till you can see celebrities making statements about the unjustified killing and calling for the arrest on their websites, their blogs, their fb accounts etc eg Tiraji P Henson showed her clear disgust and outrage at the fact that the gunman is still out on the streets. Others that are influential in the media world such as Sherri Shepherd, Spike Lee , Le Bron James and Al Sharpton also spoke out about the story till the President of the free world; Obama to be obligated to make a statement about such a  story.

Now my point is, look how far this story has come, from a website posted by the family looking for random support to the president. 

Though it may not be the burning of tires and rioting on the streets of yesteryear, in my eyes such influence this story possess can in fact cause some kind of change to be initiated. In fact, in my opinion the President stepped in at the right time to make a statement of sincerity to try to quell the quiet riot that is brewing under the surface since it has been related to race, a sensitive subject that has been the elephant in the room for years.

All in all what i'm saying is, using social media eg vlogs, blogs etc to me is no longer the passive way of encouraging or causing social change. It's just this era's version OF social change. It has the power to cause those that can set the agenda of what is deemed important to sit up and take notice, since the cries' of support to the Martin are screaming through status updates, videos, panel discussions on talk shows and the movies/movie industry. It can cause persons to gather virtually and eventually, if further ignored, physically to go the natural route of social change.

 So when there is a petition to support on a website, you never know how influential your 'like' is to making a mark. One click=one voice=one burning tire. A far cry from the colonial days don't you say?

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