Monday, 19 March 2012

Media consumes Jalisa *my 12hr media consumption* cont'd

Previously in Jalisa's life.....

We looked at my typical day when I have to work, but now I'll give you an insight of my typical day when i'm home, with no classes for the day.

8-9:30am: Wake up, roll, stretch.......for my blackberry on my dresser to check messages, calls, emails etc. 

10:10am: Finish scrolling through my blackberry, possibly download a song, reach for my laptop.
Enter Facebook....scroll through postings, checks Ccn/Cnc3 Facebook wall to see if any breaking news has occurred. Proceed to playing Facebook games.

11:00am : *Yes I know its sad but I like it*, rolls off the bed goes straight for the television, checks to see what movies are showing. 

12:00pm: Grab my first meal of the day ..lunch, check my blackberry for messages or missed calls, check my regular phone for messages or missed calls. Go back to watching TV.

2:00 pm: Grab laptop and browse the web and Facebook while still watching movies. Possibly start any assignments due. Catch up on my readings while still on Facebook either chatting/browsing or playing a game

5:00pm: Comes off the laptop and continue to watch television, occasionally check bb

7:00pm : Switches channel to Ccn for news.

7:30pm: Switches channel back to movies/fave shows *sports is on at this time and I usually only take in sports when its olympics or something of vast importance*

8:30pm: Grab my second meal for the day still in front of my television. Goes back on laptop to either continue my paper or continue my readings....Facebook tab still up

There you have it my typical boring day with media. Nothing special just fun filled days of checking, responding, and basically vegging out in front of the television. This is what I do to relax. Please spare me your judgments.

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