Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Foot in mouth syndrome

       It appears that Madame Prime Minister is often in the headlines, on most occasions for the wrong reasons. She's either making a statement that makes her appear completely asinine or not saying anything at all in times that are in dire need of a sensible input by a leader.

Her most recent verbal blunder involved making her sister her travel adviser. Many responded in out rage,due to the obvious conflict of interest which  is certain to pose a conflict of interest. How did she choose to respond? You would think it was through a well thought out, valid statement possibly outlining her reason or even an apology for her faux pas, but you would have wasted a thought. She decided to make reference to the previous prime minister ANR Robinson's action of carrying his son as his travel adviser in his time.

 Does she have proof of this? Did she at least think about the consequences of her attempt to play the childish game of "who did it first" and at the same time possibly defaming the name of one of the well respected veterans of this political game?

To most of us citizens her outlandish statements are becoming all too tiresome and too often of an occurrence. It has been clear from day one that this party’s, rather the Prime Minister’s overall strategy to have the media at her beck and call. Every step made, every trip taken, every word diarrhoea that is spurred and then attempted to be retracted, is recorded and broadcasted to be analysed and scrutinized by the public.

Maybe it was her overall goal to make the appearance that the Government is transparent. However she should learn the cardinal rule, making the media your best friend is not necessarily a good thing since it clearly is not working in her favour. It is possible that she filters most of what is published about both her and her Government's actions. Being the master gate keeper due to her influence, however she still needs to be aware that since she keeps the media so closely to her *most likely in her pocket*, doesn't mean she can control EVERY bit of information published.

If not I predict that she will continue to be saying the first thing that comes to her head and not being able to filter it quickly enough.

Just a thought....................

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