Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Kony pandemic

I could not believe the number of persons that love to jump on the band wagon when a new trend pops up in the media. 

This Kony campaign is like a bad rash that keeps coming back. 

To the "Kill Kony 2012" advocates I have a few questions for you followed by some advice.
1. Were we not aware that there were child soldiers being kidnapped and trained FOR A WHILE in Africa?

2. Have you never seen documentaries about such issues before? They use to show some on Nat Geo you should check that out sometime

3. Are we still at that stage where we cannot question the source of such video. Did it not enter some persons minds to ask "who were the directors associated with, who are the directors?" or even "Why all of a sudden persons now decide to take notice of such horrific circumstances?"

4. Why is it that we have to "make Kony become famous" in order to catch him and let justice, or karma prevail?

Believe it or not, ALL  these questions entered my mind and that was before I actually watched the 26 minute video.

It is this "herd mentality" *that's what I call it when persons blindly agree and/or follow what the majority of the group/friends/world is following* that will continue to make us truly aware of what really goes on around us, the true reasons stories like these become trends in the first place.

As Mark Twain puts it "If you ever find your self on the side of the majority, its time to pause and reflect"

Gone are the days where we are mindless sheep to whatever thoughts those that own and control the media attempt to deposit into our minds. It is a well known fact that we are no longer passive but active audiences, active indicating that we have the ability to think and question what is being broadcasted and advocated as news worthy. 

So please don't subject yourself to siding with everyone. Do your research and see whether it is worthy of placing your effort into making Kony famous. You would be surprised at what you discover.

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