Friday, 23 March 2012

Social Media-Our Generation's form of Revolution.

As per our previous discussion of the dilemma we as a nation face with our lazy culture and our apathy towards real issues that we encounter in our society, one little story has changed my perspective on what we define as"stand up for what is right and actively be a part of forcing change".

While it is true that the major events of our society; black power movement and labour riots for examples, were colossally effective in causing change as a direct result of persons actively going out there, pounding the pavement, shouting out loud DEMANDING change to be done, in my opinion such actions  are now outdated. These types of actions/reactions to injustice and need for change is directly related to colonial days where the only way slaves were to let their voices be heard and taken in to account was to physically gather and force their way to the top.

Yet as history portrays, it is an evolving world and with it the way things were previously done are now evolved and modified. This does not necessarily make it less effective. 

Let me get to what caused me to change my perception of social change. I'm sure by now we've all heard of the unfortunate and unjustified killing of Trayvon Martin, a 17yr old shot by a George Zimmerman allegedly in self defense, yet he was not charged for anything. *see link to read more*,0,6326075.story

This may have been swept under the carpet if not for the family's call for justice on a website, asking for person's support through liking or sharing the story to others and making them aware of the circumstances being faced. Now, you would say yes all that's well and good and these things happen all the time and it's no big deal. However, as the story progressed and as the time went on, support grew...and grew....and is still growing till you can see celebrities making statements about the unjustified killing and calling for the arrest on their websites, their blogs, their fb accounts etc eg Tiraji P Henson showed her clear disgust and outrage at the fact that the gunman is still out on the streets. Others that are influential in the media world such as Sherri Shepherd, Spike Lee , Le Bron James and Al Sharpton also spoke out about the story till the President of the free world; Obama to be obligated to make a statement about such a  story.

Now my point is, look how far this story has come, from a website posted by the family looking for random support to the president. 

Though it may not be the burning of tires and rioting on the streets of yesteryear, in my eyes such influence this story possess can in fact cause some kind of change to be initiated. In fact, in my opinion the President stepped in at the right time to make a statement of sincerity to try to quell the quiet riot that is brewing under the surface since it has been related to race, a sensitive subject that has been the elephant in the room for years.

All in all what i'm saying is, using social media eg vlogs, blogs etc to me is no longer the passive way of encouraging or causing social change. It's just this era's version OF social change. It has the power to cause those that can set the agenda of what is deemed important to sit up and take notice, since the cries' of support to the Martin are screaming through status updates, videos, panel discussions on talk shows and the movies/movie industry. It can cause persons to gather virtually and eventually, if further ignored, physically to go the natural route of social change.

 So when there is a petition to support on a website, you never know how influential your 'like' is to making a mark. One click=one voice=one burning tire. A far cry from the colonial days don't you say?

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Kony pandemic

I could not believe the number of persons that love to jump on the band wagon when a new trend pops up in the media. 

This Kony campaign is like a bad rash that keeps coming back. 

To the "Kill Kony 2012" advocates I have a few questions for you followed by some advice.
1. Were we not aware that there were child soldiers being kidnapped and trained FOR A WHILE in Africa?

2. Have you never seen documentaries about such issues before? They use to show some on Nat Geo you should check that out sometime

3. Are we still at that stage where we cannot question the source of such video. Did it not enter some persons minds to ask "who were the directors associated with, who are the directors?" or even "Why all of a sudden persons now decide to take notice of such horrific circumstances?"

4. Why is it that we have to "make Kony become famous" in order to catch him and let justice, or karma prevail?

Believe it or not, ALL  these questions entered my mind and that was before I actually watched the 26 minute video.

It is this "herd mentality" *that's what I call it when persons blindly agree and/or follow what the majority of the group/friends/world is following* that will continue to make us truly aware of what really goes on around us, the true reasons stories like these become trends in the first place.

As Mark Twain puts it "If you ever find your self on the side of the majority, its time to pause and reflect"

Gone are the days where we are mindless sheep to whatever thoughts those that own and control the media attempt to deposit into our minds. It is a well known fact that we are no longer passive but active audiences, active indicating that we have the ability to think and question what is being broadcasted and advocated as news worthy. 

So please don't subject yourself to siding with everyone. Do your research and see whether it is worthy of placing your effort into making Kony famous. You would be surprised at what you discover.
Foot in mouth syndrome

       It appears that Madame Prime Minister is often in the headlines, on most occasions for the wrong reasons. She's either making a statement that makes her appear completely asinine or not saying anything at all in times that are in dire need of a sensible input by a leader.

Her most recent verbal blunder involved making her sister her travel adviser. Many responded in out rage,due to the obvious conflict of interest which  is certain to pose a conflict of interest. How did she choose to respond? You would think it was through a well thought out, valid statement possibly outlining her reason or even an apology for her faux pas, but you would have wasted a thought. She decided to make reference to the previous prime minister ANR Robinson's action of carrying his son as his travel adviser in his time.

 Does she have proof of this? Did she at least think about the consequences of her attempt to play the childish game of "who did it first" and at the same time possibly defaming the name of one of the well respected veterans of this political game?

To most of us citizens her outlandish statements are becoming all too tiresome and too often of an occurrence. It has been clear from day one that this party’s, rather the Prime Minister’s overall strategy to have the media at her beck and call. Every step made, every trip taken, every word diarrhoea that is spurred and then attempted to be retracted, is recorded and broadcasted to be analysed and scrutinized by the public.

Maybe it was her overall goal to make the appearance that the Government is transparent. However she should learn the cardinal rule, making the media your best friend is not necessarily a good thing since it clearly is not working in her favour. It is possible that she filters most of what is published about both her and her Government's actions. Being the master gate keeper due to her influence, however she still needs to be aware that since she keeps the media so closely to her *most likely in her pocket*, doesn't mean she can control EVERY bit of information published.

If not I predict that she will continue to be saying the first thing that comes to her head and not being able to filter it quickly enough.

Just a thought....................

Monday, 19 March 2012

Media consumes Jalisa *my 12hr media consumption* cont'd

Previously in Jalisa's life.....

We looked at my typical day when I have to work, but now I'll give you an insight of my typical day when i'm home, with no classes for the day.

8-9:30am: Wake up, roll, stretch.......for my blackberry on my dresser to check messages, calls, emails etc. 

10:10am: Finish scrolling through my blackberry, possibly download a song, reach for my laptop.
Enter Facebook....scroll through postings, checks Ccn/Cnc3 Facebook wall to see if any breaking news has occurred. Proceed to playing Facebook games.

11:00am : *Yes I know its sad but I like it*, rolls off the bed goes straight for the television, checks to see what movies are showing. 

12:00pm: Grab my first meal of the day ..lunch, check my blackberry for messages or missed calls, check my regular phone for messages or missed calls. Go back to watching TV.

2:00 pm: Grab laptop and browse the web and Facebook while still watching movies. Possibly start any assignments due. Catch up on my readings while still on Facebook either chatting/browsing or playing a game

5:00pm: Comes off the laptop and continue to watch television, occasionally check bb

7:00pm : Switches channel to Ccn for news.

7:30pm: Switches channel back to movies/fave shows *sports is on at this time and I usually only take in sports when its olympics or something of vast importance*

8:30pm: Grab my second meal for the day still in front of my television. Goes back on laptop to either continue my paper or continue my readings....Facebook tab still up

There you have it my typical boring day with media. Nothing special just fun filled days of checking, responding, and basically vegging out in front of the television. This is what I do to relax. Please spare me your judgments.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Media consumes Jalisa  *my 12hr media consumption *

So I know we all like to "say" that we can go a day without our blackberries, a week without our Facebook accounts, 2weeks without access to the internet..*God forbid*.....but who are we fooling really? Some of us are actually truthful in saying that we are addicted to some form of media, social media in particular, because it is our need to keep connected to the world and each other. We believe it is our duty to contribute to the societal discussion of what's deemed important, so we seek to remain "in the know" by keeping our devices closer to our hearts than our ID's, wallets, money, even some necessary medications *yes some instances some people forget to take their pills but will never forget their blackberries, true story...funny ain't it?* 

Maybe it's because social media helps to document our every move and share it, that we as human beings tap into our competitive nature and attempt to win the race of comparing and contrasting who has the better or more exciting life, who has the smarter thoughts words or actions. Maybe it's because social media allows us to create and extra branch of our lives that makes the appearance to others that our lives are more exciting than it really is...vicariously living through our virtual selves as a result it appears that we are bored with our own lives that we must live virtually to give life meaning. However it may be social media has taken over everything that we do and say, and how we do so.  As a mater of fact, media in general has changed the way we operate daily, the simple rituals we must follow has been adapted drastically so that we include some form of media to go about our day. Anyway, i'm rambling, so let's look at my media consumption, and how it possibly consumes me as an be the judge.

Since I basically live two lives, I will be doing two blogs on my media consumption, one looking at a typical day when I work and the other looking at a typical day when I don't *two for the price of one, you get a 24hour look instead of 12, go figure*

Working days:

5:30 am : Alarm clock screams....roll over reach for my bb to check messages sent the night before, fb messages and emails

6:00am : Drag myself in front of the television to eat breakfast and watch television........gets carried away with the time, and movie, starts organizing for work 10mins later than I should

Getting ready for work......

Listen to 96.7fm *J.W and Blaze morning show * to start my day off right *with laughter*

7:00am : Leave with earphones securely plugged in ears either listening to the remainder of the show or switch over to my pump me up or calm me down for the day *depending on whether I believe it'll be a good day at work ; it never is*

8:00am: Arrive at work chill till 9:00am to begin, still listening to music I enjoy ...encourages me to be in a better mood to work

Begins work.....

Throughout the day take a bathroom break or water break to check the annoying and previous buzzing in my pocket....check and respond to messages, delete and respond to email, return miss calls.

Afterwork.....on the way to class

2:30pm: Listen to music again while waiting a year and a day for the shuttle to arrive....realizes that the shuttle gave a meggie again and walks with music still in my ears, switch to an upbeat playlist to prepare for the walk, all the while checking my fb newsfeed of the day and updates on bbm....update status etc.

5:30 pm: In class, occasionally check messages and respond to messages.....

................................................................Typical day...............................................